Originally Posted By Marie
We are trying desparately to adopt a special needs child or a sibling group, but are only in the beginning stages of it. I am confused as to whether a past bankruptcy will effect our being approved. Does anyone know? I know that sometimes part of the home study is to check about responsibility on paying bills, etc, do past bankruptcies show and if so, how do they effect being approved? Thankyou..........
Originally Posted By Carolyn
Hi!! My husband and I are researching agencies and just starting the process too. I am also concerned about past bankruptcy, etc. I would love to hear any information that you get and I will return any that I hear. Glad to know that there are others out there who aren't perfect!!! Thanks. Carolyn
Originally Posted By Jill
You can go to your Social Services or Dept of Human Services in your state and adopt a child with pay very little or nothing at all.
When my husband and I adopted in 1998, I had a Chapter 7 bankruptcy from 1994 only 7 months prior to our marriage. It had absolutely no effect on our home study. They didn't ask. I didn't mention it. The financial study they did on us was based on records from our bank (deposits, withdrawals, savings) and salary statements from our employers. Hope that helps. Good luck to all.
No credit check is required for the homestudy, or the agency. Just bank statements, tax forms, etc.....Don't tell, it won't affect you.
My husband and I were also wondering what effect that it would have on our adoption process if there were any negative remarks on the credit.. :confused: :confused: :confused:
When we had our homestudy done we were worried because we really don't make much a year. I am a stay at home mom and my husband doesn't make too much doing what he does. But we have a low cost of living and always have money each month. we are pretty comfortable really. I asked our worker about how our income affects our homestudy. she said that they don't look at how much you make or if you didn't do so well in the past. they look at how much you have in the bank (they like to see if you have some extra in savings as a cusion) and can you make your bills each month and still have some left over. They want to make sure that you can have the extra needed to provide for another child. If you can do that, you shouldn't have any problems.
We just completed our homestudy and were approved in December 2002. No credit check was done. SW did not ask about any bankrupticies. They are more concerned about your monthly take home pay, the amount of money that goes out on a monthly basis for bills such as mortgage, food, electric, credit card bill etc., and the next concern is do you have enough money left over to provide for a child.