Hi...I know there are a couple of people here who have provided kinship care. I have a family member who is most likely going to have her child taken into custody. We have a relationship with the child, but she recently cut off contact with everyone when concerns were expressed over the child's safety. Do we just let CPS know that we are available if/when it happens?
Also...there is no father listed on the birth certificate. How would that complicate obtaining guardianship if she would agree to it? (I know that guardianship doesn't allow for protection of our rights or a subsidy, etc...right now, we just want the child to be safe.)
We have been listed as a possible kinship placement for our two for the last 4 years so when they came into care this time the SW called us before to verify we still wanted them as a placement and advise us to start preparing for it. So put in your name now and know it might be a while before anything happens.
Yes, call and let them know you want to be considered as a kinship placement. Ask for a call back from who ever is overseeing the case. Be pro-active, let them know you have a relationship with the child already. If they don't call you back right away, call them again. Sometimes you have to be persistent to be heard by CPS.
I agree, make it known that you want the kids. In my state when it comes to relatives bios can refuse to allow the kids to live with family, but if the case starts heading toward adoption, then they lose the right to decide and the children can be moved to whomever the dept chooses to send them too.
other pp's gave good advice. call the office in the child's town and ask for the CW. offer yourself as a resource. Don't rely on the relative as listing you (particularly if they shut off contact).
i personally, would not mention guardianship at this point. its an easy out for the state and leaves you with little to no control.
best of luck to you :love: