You can help in this cause. Sign the petition to change this legislation. [url][/url]
How about making this a national petition with stiff penalties for states that don't comply with federal laws. Michigan isn't the only state and NJ is just as bad. I was originally lied to and told I could not foster to adopt because I was a relative. Then i was told i should just let the mother keep legal custody and ask her to contribute to the child. They wanted to ignore all the abuse. Then were angry when I didn't go along.Adopting requires a lot of paperwork that they don't want to be bothered with. Keeping a child in foster care is easier for the agencies.
How about making this a national petition with stiff penalties for states that don't comply with federal laws. Michigan isn't the only state and NJ is just as bad. I was originally lied to and told I could not foster to adopt because I was a relative. Then i was told i should just let the mother keep legal custody and ask her to contribute to the child. They wanted to ignore all the abuse. Then were angry when I didn't go along.
Adopting requires a lot of paperwork that they don't want to be bothered with. Keeping a child in foster care is easier for the agencies.