How do you find threads from the old site? Or are they gone forever?
There was so much knowledge there that would take a while to find again, so now would be a good time to start talking about those things again if the old threads are lost.
I'm thinking of such things as - you are not going crazy when a new placement comes and you begin to think, "what was I thinking? I can't do this!" or the list of questions to ask when you get the call for a new placement or ... I don't know. I was just wondering.
If you are at the forums start page, there is a search box at the top. Type in what you are looking for and you should get some results back. Yes old threads work because I looked for something that was both old and I knew would be there and it came up.
I was a frequent visitor to the forums a few years ago, and now that we are going to foster again I came back to tune up my knowledge....and I can't figure out the new site at all. So sad that it has changed--and maybe this has been covered somewhere/everywhere already, but WHY?
Does anyone like the new look and organization better?
WOW! whats going on here??!? LOL, I havent been on here in almost a year I guess and its all changed. I'm trying to figure it all out myself. I guess my old sigy is gone too. :-(