Originally Posted By jody moreen
I am considering employment in the adoption field. I have a BA degree in Psychology 1977- North Park College, Chicago, IL. And I have a Humans Services College Certificate 1999- Ivy Tech- Indianapolis with emphasis on Adoption and Crisis Pregnacy. For this certificate I did 4 jobs in adoption/crisis pregnancy and did a 180 hour internship with Bethany Christian Services Adoption Agency - Indianapolis, IN.
I have been an adoption support group leader for the adoption triad for over 5 years- 2 years for Full Circle Adoption Support Group in Indianapolis, IN until 1998 and 3 years currently for Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents Together- Wheaton, IL. These groups that I facilitated averaged 15-20 in attendance monthly.
Co-Founder/Associate Editor- Jewel Among Jewels Adoption Newsletter- Indianapolis, IN- Christian publication- 97/98
Founder/Editor Adoption Blessings quarterly newsletter- Christian 24 pg outreach publication- Began Spring 2000 to current- Circulation 900 readers.
Online adoption group facilitator: Adoptees Christian Fellowship- Began- January 2001 until present- 37 members.
I would love a position that would allow me to share my adoption experience and knowledge of the adoption triad issues. I very much enjoy facilitating groups of individual touched by adoption- educating and giving emotional support. I enjoy writing about adoption- as noted in my postions of Assoc. Editor of Jewels Among Jewels Adoption News and Editor of Adoption Blessings Newsletter.
I reside in Naperville, IL. and would prefer a position nearby in the suburbs or one that I could work at from home.I am open to working for an adoption agency or an Online paid postion also. Please contact me for further references and information. Thank you!
E-mail: Jody