Terrific, well written blog. Thanks for posting. I'm always looking for more good blogs to read!
We are blogging through our adoption process as it is unfolding, if you are interested.
Sorry, no. I wish you and your family well, but the "stork" doesn't get confused. Just a little too cutesy for me, when describing the life-altering and devastating consequences of losing a child to adoption. Crisis pregnancies aren't cute. What the expectant mother is going through in your case sounds horrible. I hope she is getting all the care and love she needs and should she choose to surrender her child, I hope she has the follow up counseling she'll need to recover.
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Sorry, no. I wish you and your family well, but the "stork" doesn't get confused. Just a little too cutesy for me, when describing the life-altering and devastating consequences of losing a child to adoption. Crisis pregnancies aren't cute. What the expectant mother is going through in your case sounds horrible. I hope she is getting all the care and love she needs and should she choose to surrender her child, I hope she has the follow up counseling she'll need to recover.
Thank you!
If anyone wants to read blogs about adoption, I suggest they start with blogs written by *adoptees*, not adoptive or birth parents. We are the ones most affected by adoption, after all.
Last update on November 21, 9:51 pm by Angry Adoptee.