Originally Posted By occupational therapistI am an Occupational therapist and have worked with special needs children in a pediatric hospital for the past 8 years. I have always been interested in foster care and adoption and would love to find a job serving in this capacity. I am specifically interested in adoption as it relates to kids with special needs. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about pursuing this? I am looking to relocate to CO (within an hour or so of the Vail area) and would find any specific information about opportunities in this area helpful. Thank you for any leads you can
Originally Posted By Hi fellow OTHi I dont have an anwere to your question about work I just happen to be a family who is in search of a birthmom considering adoption and I happen to be an OT too Its a small world of OT's I am from NY where did you go to school and what field of OT are you in.I have worked in psy for over 10yrs and previously worked in hand therapy which I may return to when my son gets older well anyway good luck to ya take care from Dee at I tried you email and it didnt go through!