Originally Posted By paula
Are there any websites that detail the medical tests our children should have once we bring them home?
Originally Posted By to Paula
Your baby will have had all appropriate inoculations, on time, in Guatemala. When she has her embassy exit visit, she will be seen by a doctor, on that day. If anything is wrong, that they're not sure you knew about, that could prevent her leaving until it's looked in to. Prior to my daughter's arrival, I asked the same questions. Tests? I called a pediatrician's office and told them I had an adopted child coming home. They said, just call and make an appointment when she got home. Try calling a pediatric clinic and get a nurse on the phone. She will be able to tell you from experience what usually happens. As far as I know, nothing extroidinary happens. As far as special tests, I know of none since the baby should hit the US healthy. Also, you will likely have very little medical history. If you get the full copy of all Guatemalan adoption records, you will have the text of the social worker's visit with the birthmother. Whatever she tells the social worker and what happens while your baby is in foster care is probably the extint of the health information you'll get. Again, sorry, don't know of a website detailing tests.