We are foster parents. We thought our Isaiah was going home, but after 2 years, it appears mom has given up and we will most likely be adopting. Court is in July, so we'll find out them. We were given an exemption to have him still sleep in our room, as he is over 2 years of age now. We do not have an extra room for him now. Due to son getting hit in a head on collision, we had to buy a car and thus our budget is very tight; BUT we need to add on a room for Isaiah. What to do??!!! Any suggestions on how we can get assistance to add on to our house? I've been researching. I know most grants are about $3500 and a room addition will be much more than that! I would appreciate any advice! My hubby wants to play the lottery. LOL! Good luck there, right?!
Karen A.
So you have an older son living with you? And if so, how much older? Assuming you cannot have them share a room.
Room additions are expensive, plus they will make you have to pay more property taxes ... are you in the market to sell your current home and buy a bigger/more bedrooms model? Maybe you will have to rent out the house and move into a bigger rental yourself ...
Have you tried contacting either Religious/ Church or Service Advocacies ?
Would they be willing to Donate General Contractor, Electrical and Plumbing Services without payment of money??