So my husband and I just started the process of foster-to-adopt. When filling out the paperwork, I noticed they asked a lot of questions about our childhoods.
Growing up, I was in an abusive home. This situation has resulted in PTSD. I'm in therapy and have been for a while, so my symptoms are under control.
I want to be able to help kids who are in similar situations that I was in. I feel that I can offer a level of empathy that they need. I just worry that my past will make it impossible.
I obviously was honest on my paperwork. But now I'm just nervous. I don't know what to expect, and I guess I'm just looking for honest reassurance.
Foster Care is a ' Emotional Roller Coaster ' ride .
A ' ton ' or a lot varies state to state as well also.
In reassurance, do you know how your current Medical Physician would respond if they were asked? ' Are you fit to Parent a child or children??
The other component of reassurance would be or is to keep being honest and truthful with your past no matter what!!
In most cases, you CAN foster or adopt. However, because abused people sometimes become abusers, it will be necessary for you to document that you have gone through therapy and worked through your PTSD and other issues enough to parent a child so that he/she grows up with healthy attitudes.