I would love to read about your search and reunions. I'm an adoptive mom and a couple of years ago we helped our son find his birth mother. He was born on one of the Pacific Islands and we had him first as a foster child. I had a name, but nothing else - we didn't even get any medical information for him. So twenty one years after his adoption, we began the search with just a name. All we could find was a phone number and we were so concerned about the shock she might feel if we just called. So we continued to search for other ways to contact her, but could find nothing. One day, at my son's request, I called. She answered and it was one of the most emotional experiences of my life. When I heard her voice, I was overcome with gratitude and could hardly speak. Between sobs on both of our ends, we set a time for our son to talk with her. Despite the fear that we would be intruding on her life; or that she wouldn't want contact; or that the shock might hurt her ... this was a joyful time. It may seem strange that an adoptive mom would feel such trepidation and have such strong protective feelings for the unknown birth mother. But so it was. Now reunited, there is a sweet relationship between all of us.