Hey! I have no idea how I got here but I'm sort of glad I'm here. I prefer to be called Honey, I'm currently 21 years old and very much adopted.
My memories regarding my adoption and any information about my birth mother are somewhat muddy (like literally everything else in my noggin). She was only 16-17 years old when I was born. My actual mother and father were still married and did foster care, and I believe she was one of a few of their kids that went in-and-out of their home. (from here on out for clarity I will refer to my bio mom as "BM" and my mom mom as just "M," my bio dad is a mystery so he and my dad dad won't need something like that probably.) She was into drinking and I believe some drugs? She wanted to keep me at first but could not take care of me. M has a lot of stories to tell in general but one about her she remembers pretty clearly is BM trying to change my diaper by hanging off of a couch and struggling, lol. She was very much in over her head like any teen mom would be but she was so upset at the thought of me being with somebody she didn't know. She was very relieved when M offered to take me.
The social worker delivered me at 6 weeks old during a very severe snowstorm, she kept calling them up and saying she probably wouldn't make it, it was so bad. But she did! And here I am today. I wonder if my dislike of snow and the cold in general has to do with that very early life experience sometimes. They didn't actually adopt me until I was two though.
I learned I was adopted pretty early on. We have always lived in small towns near each other and my mom knew somebody would eventually ask me about BM or M so she just flat out told me before preschool. I probably took it pretty well because I was so young and didn't ever have any sort of stigma against adoption. In fact I thought nothing of it at all! However I did not actually meet BM until I was much older, I think 19 in fact. BM's grandmother had passed away and M wanted to go to the wake, and told me that BM would be there. I've always been curious so I agreed to attend even if I don't do social gatherings, especially formal ones. It was an interesting experience, to say the least...
Afterwards M asked me my thoughts and they haven't changed one bit. M is my mom, BM just happened to make me. M knows me best of all and all I know is living with I think it makes sense.
Anywho, enough life stories. My reason for joining here is because despite not wanting actual kids myself (which my reasons are good n' plenty, please trust me on this), I've always had a bizarre fascination with parenting circles in social media. From about the age of 6 to probably 14 or so, I had a subscription to Parenting magazine. When I was especially small I found a website with a free subscription to a similar magazine that I ordered without either of my parents' knowledge. The funny part is I didn't know my home's address and only knew my dad's, so imagine his surprise when he opened up his mailbox and found that magazine waiting for me! I've mostly grown out of this but I'm still interested in conversations with people who have also been adopted, parents of adopted kids and especially those who adopted autistic children (I'm autistic and am always happy to offer help for parents OR autistics who need it). I'm also interested in expanding my knowledge on adoption and related topics. I know I'm just some college age kid with a funny interest but I hope I can fit in here.
Also just a warning but the persona I use in most internet spaces is an anthropomorphic alien bear creature that shares my name. So please don't be alarmed by that.