I am needing some advice from anyone that has maybe been in this situation and some helpful tips...
Our family is currently in the waiting period in our India adoption and have been for the last 2 months. We have a 5-year-old son and this will be our second child. We all are VERY excited and eager to meet our little one.
However, we do not live in the same state as either one of our families. We live a good 13-hour car trip from my side and my husband's side. We had all talked for a while on if our son would be joining in on the travel to India, and we had decided, with our son's approval, that he would be going to my husband's family for the duration of the trip.
All along, we had it in our minds that we would be traveling this summer, so we really had not prepared much past this. However, I am starting to get concerned, though, because we really do not know when we will be matched and how long from getting matched we will go travel.
My son is starting Kindergarten this coming Fall and I do not want him missing out on weeks of his first (full time) school experience. So, now, I am getting concerned that taking him to his grandparents will not be an option. And if that is not an option, we don't have anyone who will be able to watch our son. We can ask friends, but I don't think they will be able to take him for a full two weeks or longer and take him to school.
Have any of you been in this situation where you had to take your child out of school because of adoption travel for weeks at a time?