Looking for birthmother or family member. Birthmother at my birth was 31. She was French-German, Medium complexion; dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. 5'3" tall and weight was 150 lbs. She completed 12th grade and worked as a secretary. She had been married and divorced and had four other children. Religion was Catholic. The only info on the birthfather was he was 6'2" tall with Fair complexion; Blond hair; Blue eyes and worked at a salesman. Circumstances surrounding pregnancy was the Birthmother met birthfather at work. He came to the office as a salesman. The birthmother was trying to raise four children from her previous marriage, and financially could not support another child. The birthmother didn't believe that the birthfather suspected the pregnancy and she doubted that he would be interested. She felt that her child would be better off in a home with two parents. The Family services that dealt with adoption was Catholic Community Services of Utah. I was born in Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah at 4:10am July 31, 1970. The doctor was Clifford Sherwood, M.D and I was 8 lbs. 3.5 oz and 19.5 inches long. Any info please email