I thought I'd share my experience as I believe it's helpful for those considering adoption to be aware of what can go wrong as well as the many success stories. I'm not sure what people will think of me afterwards but all I can say is that I went into this with the very best of intentions.
My wife and I already had our own child but looked into adoption because medical issues meant there was no hope of a second one. I went into it with my eyes wide open and we both went through extensive training with an agency we'd signed up to. By the end of that process I was still enthusiastic. I genuinely believed that I would have no problem bonding with any child we adopted.
It didn't take us too long to find a child. She had some issues because of her upbringing but nothing that made me think about ending the process when the first two or three months were over after which we could have had the option to hand her back if we felt it wasn't right for us. However, since then, I have not been able to bond with her. My wife and birth child have but I have to be honest and say I don't love her at all. It's nothing to do with not being able to feel the same way about an adoptive child as your own one... I just find her character generally irritating to the extent that I honestly can't see any bond developing. I just can't warm to her. I do my best to smile sweetly etc but the whole situation for me is now a nightmare. All I can see is a child that I don't really care for that I'm now responsible for for several years before the likely time when she'll want to leave home. It feels like some kind of horrible prison sentence.
I'm sorry if I sound blunt and uncaring but I thought it was best to be brutally honest. I just wanted other people to be aware that even when you're 100% enthusiastic, have done your research etc that things like this can still go wrong.