This is our first placement as it is kinship. Baby is 3 months old and social workers called to ask us if reunification isn't possible if we would be willing to adopt. SW was making the permenancy plan and stated that it'll be adoption.
Mom hasn't named baby. She hasnt signed documents. The only document signed was medical release for the baby. Baby has no birth certificate. Drugs are involved. I am wondering if it is common for foster placements first permanancy plan to be adoption? Is this kind of a standard thing they do or is it surprising since baby is so young. Mom has been in jail about 9 weeks after baby was born, bailed out, set up visitations at the center for 1 hr 1x a week, missed all visits and was back in jail after about 5 weeks of being out of jail. And now will be in jail until her charges and cases are figured out as no one will bail her out. Which may be the best thing for her at this point as she's safe, getting clean, and will have a bed to sleep in. Dad is only alleged and they won't establish paternity.
I am sure this is a long process and we are only getting started. We are almost fully licensed as foster parents vs just kinship. They have worked so well with us and fast. I cannot say enough good things about how kind and fair the workers are about babies Mom, baby. I do see the gap where foster parents are the back burner of their worries (such as our emotions, how we feel). I know theire goal is to reunification. I want whatever is best for the baby to happen. It just is a struggle when you get attached to a little one.