Originally Posted By Sharon Bookmyer
My father, Robert Wilson (birth name) was born 7-9-1934 in St. Francis hospital, San Francisco, CA. His mother was 18, 5'4 3/4", brown hair, hazel eyes, of Danish descent (caucasian), a Protestant, and had completed her sophomore year of high school. She had one sister, and her parents were living. Her father was a motorman. Robert's father was 25, "of Jewish descent", 5'7", brown eyes and hair. Robert's birth parents were not married. Robert was adopted 27 Jan 1936 by Lena and Alvin Bookmyer in Solano County. The adoption was handled by the Children's Home Society. Robert Hugh Bookmyer died 19 Aug 1996. I am his daughter trying to find his birth parents. Please contact me at