Originally Posted By jody moreenHi! I have a passion to network with those touched by adoption. I am 47 years old and have a BA in psychology from North Park University, Chicago. I also have a Human Services Certificate that focused on adoption and Crisis Pregnancy that I received in Indianapolis in 1998. For this certificate I did 5 job shadows at adoption agencies and crisis pregnancy centers. I also did a 180 hour internship at Bethany Christian Services adoption agency in Indianapolis- and was exposed to all areas of work at the adoption agency . I have done adoption support group leadership work for over 7 years- and been the facilitator for 2 adoption triad support groups- Full Circle Adoption Support Group in Indianapolis for over 4 years and for Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents Together- in Wheaton IL for over 3 years (currently serving in this position) I was co-founder and assoc, editor for Jewel Among Jewels Adoption News for 2 years in Indiana before moving back to Illinois. In Spring 2000 I began Adoption Blessings Newsletter, a free outreach 24 page faith based Newsletter sharing testimonies, poems and articles by adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents. There are currently 800 on the mailing list for this publication supported soley by reader donations. I also currently host an online adoptee group called Adoptees Christian Fellowship on yahoo clubs and started this group a year ago- adoptees share experiences, issues, prayer requests and I write a daily Christian devotion and prayer geared toward adoptees and adoptee issues. I am seeking possible online work or agency work in Dupage County,IL where I can network with those touched by adoption, offer support and encouragement and adoption education. I currently own a library of over 250 books on adoption that I share with my local support group.For more info or feedback e-mail me: Jody Moreen, Naperville, IL. Thank you!