Originally Posted By jody moreen
I am the editor of Adoption Blessings Christian Newsletter. This 24 page quarterly Christian based newsletter began in Spring 2000 and the 5th issue was just mailed out in December 2001. There are over 800 readers on the mailing list for this Christian publication that shares testimonies of God's grace, hope and healing in the lives of adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents. Response in letters and e-mails have been very encouraging as has donations from readers that have so far supported the ministry. I have been the sole editor/volunteer of this much needed ministry that celebrates adoption and pro-life. The publication helps people touched by adoption see adoption from all angles- as there are stories in each issue from adoptees, birth and adoptive parents. I desire for a possible Christian agency to consider overseeing the publication and hiring me to continue to collect Christian stories and testimonies. I love the work and see God's hand moving in mighty ways, but would love to share the responsibility with an agency sharing the same Christian perspective and vision.
For more information, complete resume and referrals contact me: Jody at:
I live in Naperville, IL.
I am also interested in paid support group work- I have volunteered as a facilitator for 2 adoption triad support groups- Full Circle Adoption Support group in Indianapolis for 4 years and currently - 3 years + as facilitator for Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents Together.
I host an online group of adoptees since January 2001 called Adoptees Christian Fellowship on yahoo clubs for adoptees across the US.
I was the CO-founder and associate editor for Jewel Among Jewels Adoption News for 2 years before moving back to the Chicagoland area in 1998.
I am an adoptee and attend Faith Evangelical Covenant Church in Wheaton, IL where I most recently served as a deacon. I now am serving on the board of Covenant Women there.
Jody Moreen