Originally Posted By Anna
My husbands sister was born sometime in 1956 any time from January to November. B-Mothers name was Betty Rose Young(maiden name) may have gone by Jones or Collins. Knowing Mother she may very well have used a false name and DOB. She was seperated from her husband Horace Jones in approx. 4-1955 (they did divorce and she remarried a man named Lloyd Collins)Betty had one son born in 2-1955 at the time of her daughters birth. Betty also gave birth to another daughter in 09-1957 that she kept. Betty was from Texas but it is possible she may have given birth in Cal, New Mexico or Oklahoma where she had sisters living. Both children Betty kept were born in North Plains Hospital in Borger Texas. We have no idea if the daughter she gave up was born there. B-Mother was petite in build, approx 5'2-3" 110-117 pounds, reddish brown hair (not sure of color as she did color her hair) blue eyes and dimples.(sorry to say she has passed on) B-Mother had 2 brothers and 4 sisters.I have no info on the B-Father except that he may have been Native American. B-Mother was from the Pampa-Midland-Borger areas, she did have a sister living in South Texas at the time. It has been a very hush-hush subject with this family and those that have info wont give it to us. It was rumored that she was adopted by a "Well to do " family. If any of this sounds familar please contact me at Thanx and GOD BLESS ALL
I am a 46 yr old female born 10/08/56. I was born in Oklahoma City, Okla at St. Anthonys Hospital. I just found out this week that my birth mothers name was Betty Anderson. My adoptive father just sent me this information and that was the name on the medical bills he had to pay.
The address for Betty Anderson at the time was 4306 S.E. 55th St. Oklahoma City, Ok.
Not the same last name you mentioned but you said she may have used an alias.
Welcome to the Search and Reunion Message Board!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The State of Oklahoma will search for and locate birth relatives through their Confidential IntermediaryӔ search program.
Using a Confidential Intermediary: Adopted adults age 18 or older, adult descendants of a deceased adopted adult, birth parents, birth siblings, birth grandparents, or the birth siblings of a deceased birth parent may use or be searched for by a confidential intermediary. Those requesting searches must be registered with the registry for 6 months or more. If both parties agree to contact, the confidential intermediary will arrange contact.
Confidential Intermediary Search Program
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
PO Box 25352
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
(405) 521-4373
Contact the adoption agency that facilitated the adoption or this office for adoption related information and records:
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Division of Children & Families
P.O. Box 25352
Oklahoma, OK 73125
(405) 522-2467 or (405) 521-2475
Toll Free: (405) 522-2433
Fax: (405) 521-4373
Obtaining Non-Identifying Information: Adoptive parents and adopted adults age 18 or older may obtain non-identifying information. Contact the adoption agency that facilitated the adoption to request this information.
Obtaining Identifying Information: Identifying information is provided through a registry and confidential intermediary program.
Using the Adoption Registry: The following persons may use the registry: adopted adults age 18 or older unless there is a minor birth sibling in the family or the location of a birth sibling is known, adoptive parents or legal guardians of an adoptee under 18 or deceased, adult descendants of a deceased adopted adult, birth parents, and adult biological relatives of an adopted adult unless the birth parents have filed an affidavit of non-disclosure.
Voluntary Adoption Reunion Registry
Oklahoma Department of Human Services
PO Box 25352
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
(405) 521-4373
Obtaining an Original Birth Certificate: An adoptee must petition the court in which the adoption was finalized.
Other great websites to check out:
Infant of YOUNG BETTY 1956-08-29 142-56-168521-JEFFERSON
Originally Posted By Anna
My husbands sister was born sometime in 1956 any time from January to November. B-Mothers name was Betty Rose Young(maiden name) may have gone by Jones or Collins. Knowing Mother she may very well have used a false name and DOB. She was seperated from her husband Horace Jones in approx. 4-1955 (they did divorce and she remarried a man named Lloyd Collins)Betty had one son born in 2-1955 at the time of her daughters birth. Betty also gave birth to another daughter in 09-1957 that she kept. Betty was from Texas but it is possible she may have given birth in Cal, New Mexico or Oklahoma where she had sisters living. Both children Betty kept were born in North Plains Hospital in Borger Texas. We have no idea if the daughter she gave up was born there. B-Mother was petite in build, approx 5'2-3" 110-117 pounds, reddish brown hair (not sure of color as she did color her hair) blue eyes and dimples.(sorry to say she has passed on) B-Mother had 2 brothers and 4 sisters.I have no info on the B-Father except that he may have been Native American. B-Mother was from the Pampa-Midland-Borger areas, she did have a sister living in South Texas at the time. It has been a very hush-hush subject with this family and those that have info wont give it to us. It was rumored that she was adopted by a "Well to do " family. If any of this sounds familar please contact me at Thanx and GOD BLESS ALL