Originally Posted By Tammy
A little background on us...I am 35, my husband is 34. We have a bio. son, David who will be 8 on the 21st. We have a Foster Child whom we are trying to adopt. His name is Shay he just turned 3 on Christmas Day. He has half sibs who are 2 and twins who are 5mts and just found out His birth Mom is preg. again! Shay and his 2yr old brother have been in care since Jan 00. The parents have not completed any services to get the children back! They have no jobs nor a place to live. The goal has been changed from sending the kids home to termination of rights. The Dad is now in jail on drug and firearm charges and still, the agency says they don't have enough to proceed with the termination. I'm so frustrated with the system and wonder WHY they keep putting these children through this. They need some stability and closure. These parents obviously don't want the children, yet they will not sign off. How long can this go on??? WHY are they given so much time to comply with Children and Youth? I mean, they looked at my family with a fine tooth come to place him here and we have to do 10hrs of training and other things each year to keep him. I don't understand WHY they give the parents so much and the prospective adoptive parents so little. I am looking for a little encouregment and happy stories out there????? Thanks, Tammy