Originally Posted By Vicki Horton
I am a previous foster daughter of two loving parents who have helped me change my life around in a hurry - they loved me and listened. Recently though, they had 5 children taken out of their home (3 adopted and 2 freed for adoption) for reasons which are to be believed suspicious due to the fact that these foster parents have been a home provider for 12 years. Just recently they have been getting false accusations about how they treat their children in the home, investigated and indicated for these false reports brought against them. I believe this to be happening because of the 3 yr. old and 5 yr. old that got placed in their care almost 3 yrs. ago and all of a sudden D.S.S. just comes in their home, states that they have a court order to remove the children and rips out everybodies heart in the process. We did find out that the C.P. worker actually took the children under a false statement b/c their "court order" wasn't in fact a court order. I believe this has to do with the two children b/c we've gotten statements from a reliable source that says a relative wants the two little ones for reasons other than to love and care for them. We've called just about all of the lawyers and all of the people we believed would listen (persons involved with the state-ie:senators,assemblymen,congressmen,governors,and even the attorney general) but for some reason, nobody wants to listen or even lead us in the right direction to take care of this matter. All that they would do is give us their opinion on the matter or give us bits and pieces of legal advice. Who could we turn to? Will anybody help? What exactly is going on here? Is this how our state system works? What if this was you? Would you want your family torn apart and not have a chance to be fairly heard b/c no lawyer will represent you? Is it b/c they know that they would be fighting against part of a state and county? If not, why? If you think you can help these broken hearted people go back to a loving family, please call: (607)962-0470.