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The State of Michigan has a Confidential IntermediaryӔ search program that will locate and contact birth relatives. Contact the adoption agency that facilitated the adoption or the office below for more information:
Michigan Family Independence Agency
Child and Family Services Administration
P.O. Box 30037, Suite 413
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 373-3513
Fax: (517) 335-4019
Confidential Intermediary: Confidential intermediaries are provided through the court for adopted adults, birth parents, birth grandparents, birth siblings, adoptive parents of a minor adoptee, and descendants of a deceased adopted adult. If the person who is located declines contact the person searching is not given any information to contact their relatives.
An adopted adult's adoption record is usually held in the Family Division of Circuit Court (formerly the probate court) closest to the adoptive parents. The court should be able to provide the name of the agency that handled the adoption. Adopted adults may contact the Department of Community Health, Customer Services Section, 3423 North Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., PO Box 30195, Lansing, MI, 48909 to request the name of the court that finalized the adoption.
Non-Identifying Information: Adopted adults, direct descendants of a deceased adopted adult, adoptive parents, birth parents, and birth siblings may obtain non-identifying information. Contact the adoption agency that facilitated the adoption.
Identifying Information: Adopted adults can receive information through the State registry on the birth parents and birth siblings. Birth parents and birth siblings can receive the adopted adult's information, if the adopted adult provided written consent through the agency that completed the adoption and the court that finalized the adoption.
Michigan Adoption Registry: If parental rights were terminated prior to May 28, 1945, or after September 12, 1980, and there is no parental statement of denial found in the registry, the adopted adult can receive information on the birth parents and Birth Siblings. If parental rights were terminated after May 28, 1945, but before September 12, 1980, the information will be released if the birth parents or birth siblings have filed consent through the registry.
Michigan Family Independence Agency
Adoption Services Division
PO Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 373-3513
Original Birth Certificate: If parental rights were terminated prior to May 28, 1945, or after September 12, 1980, an adopted adult may receive a copy of the original birth certificate if there is no denial statement on file. If parental rights were terminated between May 28, 1945 and September 12, 1980, an adopted adult must petition the court in which the adoption was finalized.
California Search Website:
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I recently started looking for my sister that was born in or around Detroit MI. I googled and found that Tecumseh was somewhat close to Detroit. My mother had to give up a baby girl in November of '56 or '57 and her name was Julie Christine on the birth certificate. Mother's name is Nancy. Please reply to if there is any possible connection. Thanks.