born 11-19-83 in Denver, CO at Saint Anthony Hospital Central. mother is Italian/Irish and was 21 when I was born, father is Mexican
Born 5/18/71 in San Diego, California. I have no information on birth parents. I was born under unsual circumstances. *(Only my birth mother or someone close to her would know what those circumstances.) I would love to find my birth family. Please if someone knows of my birth I would love to be contact. Been searching for awhile and getting discouraged. Thank you.
I was born somewhere in San Diego, California. Can you please give me some information on the birth of your daughter?????? Thank you.
Two adoptees in my family, both girls, 10/17/67 and 6/15/70. Adopted in CA through Holy Family Services.
thats so strange, I was born on 8-2-69 in west covina ca, la county and adopted to an lds family in brigham city but it was not an lds adoption. Just found it strange, our parents probably know eachother lol.
born 2/7/72 in oxnard, ca
adopted through the county of ventura social services
was given some information on you, descriptive and why i was put up for adoption,
thank you- you are very strong to have done that
now at an age where i would love to meet i have signed a waiver to release information where to be found at agency where i was adopted at (yes they are still there seeing it was the county/city), but at time of adoption back in '72 you would have had to as well-
no worries/no strings - curiousity