Born 5/18/71 in San Diego, California. I have no information on birth parents. I was born under unsual circumstances. *(Only my birth mother or someone close to her would know what those circumstances.) I would love to find my birth family. Please if someone knows of my birth I would love to be contact. Been searching for awhile and getting discouraged. Thank you.
born 2/7/72 in oxnard, cafemale adopted through the county of ventura social serviceswas given some information on you, descriptive and why i was put up for adoption,thank you- you are very strong to have done thatnow at an age where i would love to meet i have signed a waiver to release information where to be found at agency where i was adopted at (yes they are still there seeing it was the county/city), but at time of adoption back in '72 you would have had to as well-no worries/no strings - curiousity