Originally Posted By melissa
Hello. I have been searching for a couple of months and am waiting for non id. Does anyone out there have info. on Volunteers of America in Fort Worth, Texas? My bmom was there, pregnant with me, in 1969. I would love to know anything about what VOA was like for the bmoms. I am curious to know about her experience there. Thanks. Melissa
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you will be glad to know that volunteers of america was a wonderful experience. i was there for a little over three months and actually spent my 16th birthday there. the people there were loving and caring and the living arrangements were sort of like a college dorm room. i was there in 1971 and i still remember and think of the time i spent there as a very positive and learning experience. i'm sure it was the same for your mom. i also remember the names of some of the girls and workers, so write me if you would like to.
Yes, believe it or not but I actually found my mom here at adoption . com in 1999. I went thru all the deidentified papers to but they didnt help much except verify that who I found was really my mom. agreat story.I also have lots of imfo on the voa in December 1968. Interested??????
My birth mom was at VOA for a bit of 68 until I was born in 69.
I'd love ANY info. anyone may have about that time frame.