Originally Posted By Sue
Sorry the above post is mine, I hit the wrong button.
Now what I was asking, I need some help with a couple questions. We have adopted already, private-open but it was someone we knew very well, in the same state.
1. How does the law change, if it does, when the bmom lives in michigan and the adoptive parents live in ohio, i believe the adoption would be finalized in the county, state of the adotive partents.
2. I understand that we are going to be allowed to adopted the baby if the grandparents are not allowed. So my question is, is there an age limit and what if the bgrandmother is married to a man from another courty that has not yet been given his card, and allowed into the USA.
Any help would be great. Thank you.
Originally Posted By a mom
I believe the baby goes to whomever the birthparents choose. If they do not want the grandmother to adopt she has no rights. Yes the final hearing would be in the state you live in. Do you have an attorney? If not you need one to help you.
Originally Posted By sue
the bmom first choice is the grandparents, however they are not sure that they will be able to adopt because of the fact that they grandmother is married to a man that is not a us citzen and has not even been allowed to come into the usa.
yes we have a attorney, a good one he toke care of are first adoption. thanks
Originally Posted By Neil
Then I think he would be a better source of information/advice than strangers here. (Including me.)