Originally Posted By Cyn
I am trying to find 2 uncles that were adopted out at birth.
#1 born 1955, 7lbs. 12oz, 20 inches, thru Catholic Charities/St. James Orphanage, Omaha, NE - 8 mo. old at time of adoption. You may not have grown up in Omaha. You had an older sister born in 1948 that may show up in your "non-identifing" information.
#2 born in 1959, 7lbs. 8oz, 19 1/2 inches, Childrens Saving Institute. Again your papers would speak of an older sister born in 1948, and 2 older brothers - one in 1955 and the other in 1958.
I would like to help reunite my mother with her brothers. Any info is appreciated. Email me at Thanks!
Please contact me about this. Particularly interested in the 1955, Omaha born male. Fits the description provided to me in non identifying info from Catholic charities.