Originally Posted By Amber PiehI am looking for a male born in late 1947. My grandmaother's name at the time was Helen Arbutus (Momany)Darnell. Baby was born in michigan and do not have a lot of concrete story's to go on. Could have been born in a womens home either in Eaton Rapids or Holt. Also heard a story that he was born in detroit. Help!!!!!!
Hi there. I'm looking for info about my dad's bio-family. He was born 2/25/47 at Highland Park Hospital in Michigan. On his birth cert his name was Baby Boy Taylor. I know that his birth mother was from Wisconsin and got pregnant through extra-marital affair while her husband was away in the war. Her intentions were to go to Detroit to have abortion but the doctor she went to knew a couple who had trouble getting pregnant and, long story short, she let them adopt the baby. Her occupation before getting pregnant was as a clerk at some sort of school. Apparently she had affair with the principal or someone (who was Jewish). That's all I know. If this sounds familiar, please let me know. "Taylor" is such a common name that I don't know if it was mother's maiden name or married name or made up. Thanks for taking the time to read my long post :)
I have friend seeking birth siblings. Born in 1947 in Detroit. Little information available. Born Women's Hospital of Detroit - adopted through the Baptist Children's Home Judson Center. Name on file was Lewis (but not sure if first or last name). Parents were not married. Mother was 24 and Presbyterian (no further information available). Father was 29, Presbyterian, college education and was a pilot in the service. Father had three siblings (1 male; 2 female). It was noted that upon the Father's return from duty he married the Mother and of that union 2 other children were born - but not sure of the accuracy. Does this match with what you have?