Erin Elizabeth Bailey cradle name Shirley. Born 8-27-78 @ the Edna Gladney Home, Ft. Worth, Texas, Duncan Memorial Hospital, 11:15 a.m., 6# 11 l/2 ozs. , 19 l/2 inches long, Blood type 0 positive. Birthmother was Indian, Irish, English, and French caucasian. Birthmother 16, 5'6" tall, 130#, brown eyes, ash blonde hair, medium skin color, Baptist, Wore glasses for nearsigtedness. Allergic to cough syrup, At age 6 had a severe reaction to cough syrup,and was hospitalized, Her 15 year old sister had some kind of kidney disorder. The birthmother was right handed. She wanted to become a secretary, or an interior decorator. She loved dancing, tennis, plants, arts and crafts. she was in the 11th grade and a B student. No children prior.Adoption date March 8th, 1979 , judge presiding Joe H. Eidson, Jr. Clerk J.W. Boorman in the 231st district court, number 231C-20097. Birth father 17, 6'2" tall, weight 185#, liked sports, motorcycles, and swimming. He was right handed with brown eyes, blonde hair and dark skin color. No children born prior to this one, caucasian, English, German. Birthmother's parents -father 36, 6'2" tall and 185#, dept. store manager who liked bowling,& leathercrafts. mother- buyer for a dept. store, 34 yrs. old, 5'4" tall 130#, Baptist, loved working in the yard with plants. Birthmother's sister was 15 and had a kidney disorder of some kind. Birthmother was born in Texas.