:) I am so thankful that my husbands birth mother gave him up for adoption when she did rather than something else. I love my husband so very much that I thank God for bringing him to me every day that his birth mother gave him to the people that adopted him and that was the path that brought him to me and changed my life forever. So thank you to the birht mother who gave up one Patrick John Wallace on 12-19-1967 in San Fransisco
Welcome to the Search and Reunion Message Board!
You might use the following information below as a checklist for getting information to start your search in California:
1) To begin your search you should have your husband contact the adoption agency that handled the adoption and request "non-identifying" information from the adoption file. The non-identifying information gives the ages, marital status, physical description of the birth parents. It may also give information about aunts, uncles and grandparents.
2) You should also request a "Waiver for Consent to Contact" form. The Waiver is a form that can be used by adoptees or birthparents to give their permission for contact should a waiver be filed by both parties.
3) If the agency no longer exists your husband can contact this office for the above services:
State of California
Dept of Social Services, Adoptions
744 P Street MS 19-31
Sacramento CA 95814
Phone: 916-322-3778
You should have your request letter notarized before signing and mailing. It also helps to attach a copy of your driver's license and a copy of your amended birth certificate. Keep a copy of everything for your records in case you need to follow-up.
California Search Website:
What a sweet post. So often the focus is limited to the 'adoptees' feelings, or the 'birthparent' feelings. The fact of the matter is that the selfless sacrifice of birthpartents, especally the birthmother, effects many people.
Thank you for your post. :)