for eneurisis (sleep wetting). My son has wet the bed almost every night since we adopted him 5 years ago. He's now 9. Had no motivation to do anything about it. Had to stop the Goodnights due to urinary tract infections. So he's been dealing with natural consequences for over 1 year: wet bed, bathing every am, stripping and remaking bed, rinsing sheets. Tired the Dry all Night book, not motivated. Well he just had his worst bout ever with asthma. Missed 4 days of school, still on medication but much improved. So for 1 1/2 weeks, during the acute period, I again had him use Goodnights so that a wet bed would not disrupt his sleep. Well - he's been dry every since. It's been 7 nights in a row!!!!! I guess after all that time of being in a wet bed, a little break of having a dry bed reminded him of how nice that feels. I would have never guessed that this would be the motivator that would finially do the trick! Has anyone else seen something like this happen??
Our son, an infant adoption, who is closing in on 9 now still wets 4 out of 7 nights but fortunately the Goodnights work for him ... have tried most everything ... doctor has said to determine what is worse - awakening a child who cannot go back to sleep and is miserable all the next day or use the Goodnights ... there's no rhyme or reason to which night so... one day this too shall pass.