It makes me feel better reading the posts here. I was so worried about my negative credit. I am a single mother and I am trying to get money for the international adoption set up. I can afford the home study and costs here, but I am just scared if the time comes to go I won't have the money.
What did you do? How did you get the money? I want to adopt from Guatemala, an infant girl.
Any advice or stories you can share?
Melissa - I don't know if this will help but my husband and I had to take a leap of faith that at the right time, the money would find us. It was a tough decision to let go and let God, but amazingly, when we truly did put it in God's hands, it happened for us. Make your desires known, do everything you can (surf for adoption financing options - there are a zillion resources online)and trust - truly trust - that God will see you through. You will find the child you are meant to be with. Good luck and God bless.