Autism Europe
2003 is the European Year of People with Disabilities
What does this mean for people with an autistic spectrum disorder and their families?
It means a greater possibility to be heard, to be noticed, to be recognised.
Autism Europe is launching a campaign to increase awareness amongst local, regional, national and European decision-makers and the general public of the specific situation and needs of autistic people and their families in the running of their everyday lives in the community.
Each and every one of us that is concerned with autism or any other disability is responsible for the success of the campaign!
How can I get involved in Autism Europe's campaign in the EYPD2003?
Visit the EYPD 2003 web page on Autism Europe's web site at [url][/url]
Contribute your experiences, comments and examples of good practice in our fora, post your events and activities, send in questions for the special debate "Living with Autism" of the International Congress Autism-Europe Lisboa 2003
What can I gain from participating in the Year?
It is not every day that political and media focus turns to the situation and the needs of people with disabilities and their families. When this does happen it is up to us to make our voice heard.
By taking advantage of this campaign, we can help people understand what autism is, the problems it creates in the lives of those families touched by it and what people with autism and their families need to live a happy and dignified life.
How can I find out more about the EYPD2003?
Visit the official web page: [url][/url]
If you have an idea for an event or activity for the EYPD 2003, please contact your national coordinating body for the Year.
Autism Europe Information Campaign - EYPD - 2003
With the support of the European Commission (DG EMPL/E/4, Budget Line B58060B01)
AUTISM-EUROPE is a European network regrouping nearly 80 associations of parents of persons with autism in 31 countries, of which 14 EU member states. Its principal objective is to promote and defend the rights of people with autism and their families and to improve their quality of life. Autism-Europe is a founding member of the Platform of European Social NGOs and of the European Disability Forum.