Does anyone know of a live chat for adoptive parents? I thought I found one last night but was having trouble getting my membership started. I finally found the e-mail to confirm my registration but today have not been able to find the post I saw last night that spoke of a chat that happened most evenings.
This message board form is very helpful but I would also like to be able to talk to folks in "real time" I live in Southeastern MI and so far have not been able to find a support group in my area. I thought a chat would be helpful both in fulfilling the support group need and perhaps finding a "live and in person" support group in my area.
My husband and I recently decided for sure that we want to adopt and are in the process of gathering information. We plan to start the formal application process next year.
Thanks for any info you might have! :)
dont know of any? would help to chat every once and awhile though. If you find any would love to hear about it. Thank you and have a great day!