Melissa Born February 11, 1966 Wheeling, WV Cherokee Heritage I have questions regarding my Cherokee Heritage & Birthfamily's medical history. I think my Birthmother was unmarried at the time of my birth, and that my maternal grandmother may be full Cherokee. I know it was a difficult decision for my birthmother to give my up for adoption, but I am grateful that I grew up with a family that loves me. My loving parents, Paul & Rita Crabtree received me on April 11, 1966 and we were living in Point Pleasant, West Virginia when my adoption was finalized. I was named Carole Veronica Crabtree, although my first name at birth was Melissa. I am now happily married to Scott Walker and the mother of 2 delightful children. I would love to hear from any of my birthfamily. Please email Carole if you have any helpful information.