Originally Posted By StephanieI am in MO, and our adoption was completed in March. The bio father consented to it, and he waived his right to appearance at the same time. He did not have to be served. A few weeks after the adoption was complete, I called his parents on another matter (a debt he was awarded in the divorce was collecting on me). They told me if I pursued said debt, he would "revoke his consent". Obviously they had no idea that the adoption was already final at that time, but I later looked up laws in MO and read that the adoption COULD be revoked up to one year later if he could prove "duress of fraud" which of course he can't since it didn't happen. Seeing that his father is an attorney and a county official in another MO county, I was still worried and contact a local attorney (yep, I knew you would suggest that;>) who said is was VERY unlikely that he could even get a court date on revoking an adoption he consented to...but I am still worried (guess I will be till next March!). Can you give an OPINION on whether such an adoption could be revoked? I am asking more or less every attorney I know already, and am looking for the majority opinion for piece of mind.Stephanie