For many months now we have popped in and out with postings and questions regarding our now 13 year old needing residential services and thought I would provide an update. For the families in crisis, please know that although residential may not be the solution to every problem, it can make a difference, and should definitely be explored if ever required!
We finally got to take our child out on a pass this weekend (after many attempts of him calling our bluff on not being taken out if he didn't meet requirements ... three simple things - clean clothes, his own shoes and combed hair ... ) and it went well. He still has a long road to recovery ahead of him but we continue to take one day at a time. Saw many urges to poke or aggravate the other children but resisted those urges and that is progress. He still speaks outwardly regarding violence and violence to be done to himself sometime which will be addressed accordingly but this positive step and him actually joining a therapy session last week is progress ... which we will enjoy while we can and be there to support him as he falls and hope, one day, that he will stand up and stay standing. One day at a time and one step at a passing!
Congrats to many being matched and pending placements. We are excited for you all and look forward to hearing progress updates soon. For those in crisis, know that we are here to listen and offer assistance if we can and for those of you in some limbo stage of this adventure - hang in there - it will happen!
More later ...