I have done quite a bit of research on adoption financing and have seen the same small number of adoption grants mentioned in countless resources. I have also read in numerous places the stories of prospective adoptive parents who didn't receive said grants. My question is, have any of you or anyone you know ever received such a grant? If so, are you willing to share your grant-application strategies?
I know that several people begin the adoption process when they have enough money to do so, but because I am adopting alone, I am determined to have the entire amount necessary before beginning the process. Many grants seem to be contingent upon the fact that without them, the adoption could not be completed. Are these grants only for parents who have fallen on financial hardship during the process?
Also, most grants require that a home study be completed before application, but since home studies are only valid for a limited amount of time, I am worried that mine might expire while I wait for a decision on a necessary grant. Any thoughts?
Advice is most welcome and appreciated,
the grant process is very discouraging. we've appllied for two so far. and have re-applied twice - three times is your limit - i wonder if anyone has ever received any grants? I keep writing my story over again to sound even worse - if it could get any worse! We're in the same boat - no grants - no adoption it seems. I'm now writing a donation letter and when i get my nerve up im going to send it out, im going to send it to friends and families and some businesses i work with - that would be my last chance. The only thing that i would hate to people to think was - jeeez if she can't come up with the money how can she raise a child?? HELLO is there anyone out there that has received a grant?????
With our first adoption, I had the same experience as many. We tried and tried for grants without success. Luckily A Child Waits Foundation pulled through and gave us a loan. But even that needs to be paid off.
I would like to learn just how many grants are given out each year form these foundations that claim to give out grants. If a foundation is advertising that they give grants for adoptions, and people are making tax deductable donations and contributions for this, I would think that a percentage of the monies received should got towards the grants.
We brought our two children home 5 months ago. We have exhausted all our finances for that adoption. Since the children have come home, we have found that our 6 year old daughter has a 13 year old sister that she is very close to. The sister will be 14 in February and she has no opportunity or chance of being adopted without us. Our agency has bent over backwards to waive as many fees as possible. But still we will need to come up with translation fees, in country fees, the cost of all the documents for our dossier, INS approval, and airline tickets. We will need roughly $10,000 and we are still paying off our first adoption. We have to get started on this soon if we are to bring the older sister home while she is still legally adoptable.
My husband and I can not afford to go in to further debt at this time. The entire adoption of the older sister must be completed with grants, fundraising, and contribuations.
Anybody out there have a successful grant story? Please share with us.
I'd love to hear of anyone who has ever received one of these grants too. We applied for at least 10 and got not even a cent, and our case read much like many of those that supposedly were approved. The best response we got too was a low-interest loan, and the interest isn't THAT low plus it does have to be paid back. We did it b/c we had no other options, as our adoption took about a year less than we'd anticipated and we had no more time to save or look for money. We want to adopt again, from the same country as before, but like so many, need to find ways to handle the financial angle.
Hi! We have not even "officially" started the adoption process yet b/c we need to raise $$$$$$ first. I have looked into many fundraisers and will try several but the one I am most excited about is "Antiquities" portraits. These are the sepia tone pictures. Me and my best buddies are going to go door-to-door, business-to-business and in each of our churches to sell the $10.00 coupons that entiltes the purchaser to a 10x13 portrait of their child dresses in antique style clothing w/ the sepia tones. YOU GET TO KEEP THE FULL $10.00 for each coupon sold (instant cash for adoption) PLUS..... you get a cash bonus scaled from $5.00 to $15.00 for each coupon buyer that actually shows up. Limit one per family. Do the math, it could add up big time. The marketing person I spoke w/ is named Carol Loudermilk and she can be reached at 1-800-871-6255. She is very nice and will answer any questions for you. I am so excited about this one, I am planning to do it in 3 different cities. I am also selling "At Home America" products. The is a homeshow company. Just today I got my $600.00 start up kit. The kit is free as long as you sell $1,000 in the first 65 days. I already have 6 shows booked for the next 3 weeks so I will double that requirement easy. If anyone might be interested in this, e-mail me at because I get bonuses for signing others up, which would further help our adoption fund.
Here is another idea: Me and my friends and family are going to make the rounds to businesses that we are acquainted with and ask them to donate a gift card or some small item that we could put in a "family fun basket" to raffel away. My friends are the best and I could not do it w/out their help. It makes them so excited to be able to help us though. It makes them sad that we have not been able to have a baby. Don't be afraid to ask people that love you for help!!!! I will be praying for each of you that God will bless your fundraising efforts abundantly and pour His favor over your adoptions. We are all in the same boat, remember the power of prayer. Best of luck!