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October 2, 2017 by
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If my birth daughter only knows one thing, I want it to be this. She was loved from the moment I found out I was pregnant with her. I love her fiercely still, and will until the day I die.
Hello Annaleecee,
Thank you for your reply. I guess I am totally paranoid, and still as an adoptive parent needing to navigate this issue even after so many years! My a daughter can shut me out and times and ignore me, but she and I usually maintain our connection as well. So this time I was flummoxed by her respo...
Again, Annaleece, thank you for your response. I commend your courage as a birth mother, and I hope you go on to have a happy life. Your activity on this forum indicates great strength and an desire for positive healing. Holly
Annaleece Merrill
I appreciate that Holly! I'm glad things are starting to mend between you and your daughter. Sometimes all we need is to feel listened to and loved.