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October 16, 2017 by
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How has being adopted affected your identity?
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My Dad was adopted and as a daughter of an adoptee, I hated projects in school that required tracing our family lineage!
I totally sympathize with hating family tree projects! I get that situations can be complicated but I hate it when people act like they would have been better off without being adopted. The alternatives are not good. Controversial as they may be, these are my thoughts...
Annaleece Merrill
I LOVE that article! Everyone responds to things differently, and some adoptees do feel traumatized. But that does NOT mean that every single adoptee is genetically destined to have abandonment issues. Just like any other nontraditional family situation, people adapt and react differently, and that'...
I wonder if some of the adoption trauma comes later not because of some early DNA coding (DNA chains have self-repair functions built into them, so as the body repairs itself DNA Strands are mended and replicate themselves), but more as a matter of dealing with society and the perceptions of others....
Annaleece Merrill
I think that's the majority of where that trauma comes from. If a child is raised by healthy parents who normalize the adoption, and if the child has whatever relationship that is comfortable for them with their birth parents, for the most part they do quite well statistically.
That is what I have seen with the many family members who were adopted when young. Seems adoptees adopted after multiple family placements had more difficulty, but even they faired ok over time with lots of love and support and proper outlets to address their feelings (counseling, talking with famil...
Yve, I think you are absolutely right. I was told my opinion on this was "appalling in every conceivable way." I stand by my belief that the actual act of adoption does not inflict trauma, but some may experience trauma from other sources.