David from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 90344
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David is an active and curious youth. He is very intelligent and especially enjoys science in school. David has a passion for learning and building things, specifically robot sets. He also likes to build with Legos and make all kinds of masterpieces. David likes participating in these activities with others but prefers that they have their own sets to build. David plays in the band and has started taking an interest in sports, such as basketball and track. David has an artistic and creative side, and he is very talented when it comes to drawing and coloring. David also likes outside activities, such as swimming. He likes funny movies and watching funny videos online. He also likes Transformers. David would be a fun addition to a loving family. Visit me at the Heart Gallery of North East Texas.
David's forever family will be one who will take interest in his academic needs and extracurricular activities and who will support him in his growth and learning. David would also benefit from a family with a creative side who supports his creativity and self-expression. His family will be patient with him as he transitions to his new home.