Diego from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107329
- My Siblings Eva
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Diego is a sweet young boy who is shy at first but will open up once he gets to know someone. He is bilingual and can speak both Spanish and English. Diego enjoys going to the beach where he can swim and collect seashells. He enjoys being outdoors and likes to help plant different flowers and plants in the garden. Diego is artistic and good at drawing and sketching. He can draw people and landscapes and it makes him happy to give his drawings to others. It is important to Diego to do well in school. He would like to go to college and explore the culinary arts. He hopes to be a chef when he grows up and has dreams of owning his own restaurant one day. His favorite cuisine is Mexican food! Diego is an animal lover and is especially fond of dogs. He likes to go bowling and to amusement parks. He has a thrill for adventure and likes to ride the scary rides at Six Flags such as Scream and the Goliath.
Eva and Diego are tightly bonded to one another. They deeply love and care about each another. In addition to their close bond, they are close in age with just three years between them. Eva is the big sister, and she has a sense of protectiveness towards her younger brother, Diego. Diego looks up to his older sister. Each child is unique and has a lot of love to offer. They trust each other and seek each other for advice. Eva and Diego enjoy doing many things together such as going to the park, watching movies, and taking walks. They like to go on trips to visit new places. Eva likes to take Diego shopping. They enjoy playing card games and video games together. They both share a love of cooking and eating Mexican cuisine.
Diego's forever family will provide him with structure, consistency and clear boundaries. He will need a significant amount of attention and patience from his adoptive parents, particularly during his transition to a permanent home. His family will be supportive and dedicated to him. His family will allow him to participate in extracurricular activities.