Gerardo from Texas

from Texas
- Age 6
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 108446
- My Siblings Dulce Victoria Xiomara Fernanda Dayna Sofia Victor
- Inquire about this child
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Gerardo is an active, charming, friendly, and caring young boy. He is social and enjoys making new friends. He is close with his siblings and likes playing and spending time with them. He also enjoys playing sports such as soccer and football. Gerardo is extremely active and enjoys playing with his toy race cars and boards games. Gerardo enjoys having home cooked meals from his caregivers, but he also enjoys going out to eat. Gerardo is very curious about his surrounding and does not miss an opportunity to learn something new. Gerardo enjoys spending time outside rather than inside and likes to play with animals and wishes to have pets of his own one day. Gerardo curiosity for the world around him really exemplifies him being open to new opportunities.
This sibling group of eight are extremely close and are not able to see their lives without each other in it. Xiomara is the oldest and often sees herself as a maternal figure as she has pride in caring for her younger siblings and wants the best for all her siblings. Fernanda is the second oldest, and like her older sister, she takes pride in caring for her younger siblings and has the strongest bond and relationship with younger sister, Dayna. Dayna is the third oldest and loves her siblings very much and is always excited to see her siblings. Sofia is the fourth oldest and is extremely active and keeps herself busy by playing indoors and outdoors. Sofia is extremely loving and enjoys giving and receiving physical affection such as kisses and hugs. Victor is the fifth oldest and has a close bond with his siblings, especially with his younger sibling, Gerardo, as they are the males in the sibling group. Gerardo is the sixth oldest and has the closest bond with his older brother and looks up to Victor as he is older. Gerardo enjoys playing with his toys and enjoys his time with his siblings. Dulce is the second youngest and is the most sentimental of the sibling group of eight. Dulce loves being given positive attention and feels most secure when her caregivers spend time with her. Victoria is the youngest of the sibling group. Her siblings often want to all take care of Victoria due to her being the youngest. Victoria is a sweet little girl who is closest to Dulce.
Gerardo is currently being prepared for adoption by his current adoption's caseworker and therapist about adoption and what adoption entails. Gerardo is very happy and joyful about meeting his future perspective adoptive parents, along with being adopted with all his siblings. Gerardo has vocalized he wants to have a family that would love him and take care of him. Gerardo would love to have a family that creates everlasting memories with him and showers his with love and positivity. Gerardo would benefit from a perspective adoptive family that has a strong support system, is resourceful in having ongoing support, is able to locate resources needed for Gerardo. Gerardo truly wants to have a family that will always love him, care for him, and be there for him no matter the circumstance.