December 2, 2016 · by
Some adoption statistics may surprise you! Check your knowledge of these stats. Some of these statistics can be found at:
1. What percentage of adopted children are rated "excellent" or "very good" health?
2. How many adopted children under the age of 5 are read to or sung to every day?
3. How many adoptive parents say they would "definitely" adopt again?
4. What percentage of adopted kids over the age of 5 have positive feelings about adoption?
5. Today, what percentage of birth mothers have the right to choose how open they want their adoption to be?
6. Today what percentage of adopted children over the age of 5 know they are adopted?
7. What percentage of private adoptions are transracial?
8. True or False: Children adopted privately are more likely to be engaged in school than are children adopted internationally and through foster care.