December 9, 2016 · by
The questions from this quiz are taken from Nancy J. Evans Hall's recent article about celebrating the holidays with adopted children:
1. True or False: You shouldn't celebrate Christmas if you recently adopted a child who is of a different faith.
2. True or False: It would be sacrilegious to have a Christmas tree with ornaments symbolizing other faiths
3. Some good ways to incorporate your children's faiths with your Christmas celebration are:
4. True or False: A good way to incorporate another faith into Christmas celebration is through music
5. True or False: Your child needs to learn to accept your holiday traditions as soon as possible, so do your best to ignore their faith
6. True or False: Celebrating the holidays with a newly adoption child should be inclusive and made up of a lot of fun
7. True or False: The more the merrier! So invite friends to celebrate as you highlight your child's faith during Christmas
8. True or False: Your children will soon forget their past, so no reason to put energy into their previous faith