January 19, 2017 · by
What's happening now in 2017 with adoptions from Russia? The questions in this quiz are from this article by Denalee Chapman:
1. What year did Russia pass the law to close adoptions to the U.S.?
2. What is the name of the law that closed adoptions to America?
3. Who is the law named after?
4. True or False: The law prohibiting adoptions from Russia to America was revoked the end of 2016
5. True or False: The majority of Russians disapprove of adoptions to foreign countries
6. True or False: Russian leaders believe that conditions in America have changed enough to revoke the law prohibiting adoptions
7. Why did Russia originally close adoptions to America?
8. True or False: There are still orphans in Russia who have been promised to adoptive families in America, but have not been permitted to leave