Make sure you can follow through on what you promise and be sure to define your boundaries. If you don't wish for the pictures to be shown publicly.. like ...
... boundaries. Not allowing strangers into your home unannounced doesn't sound like a major boundary. I guess I don't have any real advice, just confirmation ...
Boundaries can be set, and can be enforced, so that your child is not exposed to people who are not helping him - whether he is related to those people or not!
Aug 11, 2015 ... All of it doubly complicated by appropriate birth family dropping out of touch and borderline birth family pushing boundaries for us. This ...
We had boundaries setup, she refused to follow them and only called or wrote when it satisfied her! It just was not positive for our daughter at all. She would ...
... boundaries. You've been very open about your specific issues here on the forums - which is why I felt comfortable suggesting you might seek some advice from ...
She has been involved with the case since intake and knew everyone involved. She said if it were her child,no way. The family did not respect boundaries, were ...
Feb 27, 2017 ... Set Boundaries. While it is important to be open in your communication, some things are just not up for compromise. If you didn't set up ...
Setting boundaries is not selfish. The past is the past. Knowing medical history is not a good reason to keep someone in your back pocket. Whatever will be ...
I don't want to overstep my boundaries or upset anyone. I see gorgeous necklaces, bracelets, and so on for "daughter" but I personally feel that it would be ...