Roland and Adoption
(Redirected from Roland)
The hero of the medieval epic, the Song of Roland is described in a fourteenth-century Italian version, the Geste Francor, as the adoptive son of Charlemagne: "Charles loved him so much, that he kept him as his adoptive son ["figiuolo adottivo"], and Charles called him son most of the time; and thus it was said that Orlandino [Roland] was Charles' son; but he was a son out of love, not originated in sin."
Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, 1993-97 Morgan, Leslie Z. "Italian Literature: Geste Francor, Franco-Italian Epic: The Geste Francor (anonymous)." Available at:
- Adoption Celebrities
- Adopted Persons
- Mythological, Traditional and Divine Figures
- European
- France
- Figures Whose Adoption or Fostering Is Fictitious, Disputed or Unconfirmed
- Priest, Religious, Teacher, Coach, Mentor, Patron, Apprentice Master or Owner
- Wealthy, Famous, Noble or Divine Adoptive or Foster Families