Page statistics | |
Content pages | 2,301 |
Pages (All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.) | 6,255 |
Uploaded files | 305 |
Edit statistics | |
Page edits since adoptionwiki was set up | 21,317 |
Average edits per page | 3.41 |
User statistics | |
Registered users | 3,044 |
Active users (list of members) (Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days) | 0 |
Bots (list of members) | 0 |
Administrators (list of members) | 1 |
Bureaucrats (list of members) | 1 |
Forum administrators (list of members) | 0 |
View statistics | |
Views total (Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included) | 46,973,801 |
Views per edit | 2,203.58 |
Most viewed pages | |
Adoption Wiki | 4,365,430 |
Adoption Costs | 766,279 |
Category:Adoption Celebrities | 655,400 |
Affording Adoption | 567,046 |
Pregnancy | 461,266 |
Category:U.S. Adoption Laws | 436,877 |
Adoption Service Provider | 422,198 |
Abuse and Neglect: Conclusion and References | 382,354 |
Category:Glossary | 369,685 |
Adoption | 297,668 |